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There were these three patients in this war hospital.
The doctor in charge comes in to have a look at them..
So he walks up to the first and says 'What's the problem?'
The patient then begins to tell him about his chronic
haemorroids. How he has these huge bulbous things hanging
20cm from his ass.. Well.. the doctor says..
'look get a toothbrush and some iodine and rub it on 3 times
a day..' . The patient says 'Alright'
..Then the doctor asks what his ambition is,
the wounded soldier obviously says 'To get back in the field
and fight for my country!'.. 'Good man' says the doctor..
The second patient complains of groinal chaffing...
You know from marching all day every day.. It is beginning
to secrete stuff and basically being unpleasant..
To this .. the doctor says 'Get some iodine and a toothbrush
and give it a good rub 3 times a day..'
..'By the way.. what is your ambition son?' ..
'To get better and fight for my country!'
The third patient has this ulcer in his mouth..
Which the doctor replies to get the iodine and toothbrush
and brush it 3 times a day..after this he does the usual
'What is your ambition son?' .. to which the patient replies..
'To get to the fucken toothbrush before the other two!'